Jeugdhulp (Speciaal) Onderwijs Competentie Gericht Werken

Virtual Conference from Amsterdam
22 – 24 of May 2023  

Development and further work with SPARE for Refugees in Europe

Organizing Committee: Anett Apeland, Ella Tacq, Helge Hallmann, Margrét Sigmarsdóttir, Steffen Caspersen.

The SPARE project has been financially supported by the Nordic and European Grants: Nordplus and Erasmus+.

Cliuck here for the hosts and presenters.


The Journey of SPARE: 13:00 – 16:00

WHO FOR: Relevant for all professionals working with families, managers, policy makers, and elected officials.

CHAIRS: Gonnie Albrecht and Margrét Sigmarsdóttir


Welcome, Intro, Overview, and Warm-up.

1. 13:15-13:40: The narrative of refugees in Europe. Hend Eltanamly

2. 13:45-14:10: SPARE 1. The beginning and the journey.  Margrét Sigmarsdóttirand Anett Apeland                                                            

Break – for 15 minutes

3. 14:25-14:50: Adaptations of an evidence-based program for the refugee population. Ruben Parra-Cardona

4. 14:55-15:20: SPARE 2. What do we know so far from our feasibility study? Anne Arnesen, Margrét Sigmarsdóttir, Bergljót Gyða Guðmundsdóttir

5. 15:25-15:50: The foundation – GenerationPMTO. Marion Forgatch


Discussions and Celebrations until 16:00



More on SPARE and looking into the curriculum: 13:00 – 16:00

WHO FOR: Relevant for all professionals, especially for therapists and those working with or in relation with refugees in Europe.

CHAIRS: Anett Apeland, Ella Tacq, and Edda Vikar


Welcome, intro, and Overview, and warm-up (15 minutes)

1.  13.15- 13.45: The SPARE curriculum: a short overview and origins. Anett Apeland and Edda Vikar

2. 13.45- 14.45: Emotion Coaching and Observations – Research and Practice. Abigail Gewirtz

Break – for 15 minutes

3. 15.00- 15.30:  Working together as a strong team. Ella Tacq

4.  15.30- 15.55: More on Practical SPARE, Materials, Canvas

5. 15.55- 16.00 Summary and next steps



Being a SPARE Therapist/Link-Worker: 10:00 – 12:00

WHO FOR: Relevant for professionals who have been in or would like to be in the role of a SPARE therapist or a link-worker.  

Welcome, intro, overview, and warm-up (15 minutes)

1. 10:15-10:50: Helping parents to keep their values, building strength and confidence. Maria Begoña Gomez and Sissel Torsvik

Break for 10 minutes.

2.  11:00-11:55 Cooperation between a link-worker and therapists, exemplified by “emotional coaching”. Arndís Þorsteinsdóttir and Helge Hallmann

3. 11:55-12:00: Closing of the conference.